
Monday, November 8, 2010

Video Assessment

I mentioned a while back that I thought a Flip camera may be a pretty decent assessment tool. Today, I had one group having a great discussion about distilling the process for finding a perpendicular bisector into a few steps. I grabbed the Flip and sat down with them. Forgive me if you can't read their steps very well, I'm still working out the kinks.

Perpendicular Bisector from David Cox on Vimeo.

I think I see some real potential here. Kids can record themselves and then we can go to After Effects and add some stills of their work. I don't know, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Feedback welcome necessary, please.


  1. WOW!!! This video assessment is great!!! Gave me a really good idea. Some of our curricular objectives in HS Math start with the word "Explain..." I could video tape different students explanations, assess the explanation using a rubric, and have the video as evidence of the assessment to discuss with the student(s) or show at PT interviews.

  2. WOW!!! indeed! The questioning is spot-on "the opposite inverse reciprocal, inverse-inverse..." Wonderful job of making the STUDENTS be exact with their language. I'm learning something here.

  3. Is the idea that the students record their explanations and you watch them later to assess? If so, would the teacher set up a list of leading questions prior?

  4. Often I believe that the class of students are the best consumers of the videos that I take. For instance, if I had shot this video, the second that I clicked stop, I would run to my computer and pug in the camera. Seconds after that, I would be playing the video through my Digital Projector and the class would be watching what took place.

    Then watch the learning take place!

  5. Yeah, I've gotten a lot of mileage out of posting videos and using the Elmo to post work. It's amazing to see how watching other kids' work raises the bar for everyone.
