I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. I took the warm up I had planned and dumped it into Wordle (I figured Wordle must be good for something). Yesterday's warm up:

"But Mr. Cox, what are we supposed to do?"
"The directions are all there. It's worth 100 pts. you know, so ya better make it snappy."
"It's hard to understand."
"Ok, you don't like this one; how about this?"
"That's no better."
They're on to me by now.
"Yeah, of course I'm proving a point; but what is it?"
The conversation went something like this:
"You think this is confusing? Well that's what you do to me whenever you show your work. Why is it that in your Language Arts classes you all understand that we start writing in the top left, we work left to right and top down, but in your math class, you seem to think that starting right in the center of your workspace and then going any which way is a good idea? How in the world am I supposed to understand what you're telling me?"
So I threw up some examples of what to do...

and what not to do...

and we discussed what made one student's work acceptable and the other's unacceptable. We also discussed the difference between "showing your work" or "showing your steps" and that which belongs on scratch paper.
Oh, we also agreed that starting in the upper left hand corner of the workspace is acceptable in a math class as well.
This is a great use of Wordle, David. Thanks for sharing. I have shown "good" and "bad" examples of showing work before in my class, but had never thought about your Wordle approach. Wondering other ways Wordle might be used appropriately and effectively in a math classroom....
Best use of Wordle! Let us know how the next test goes?
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